Saturday, November 1, 2014

Bl. John Duns Scotus (1265-1308) Friar Minor

BL. JOHN DUNS SCOTUS (1265-1308)
Friar Minor

Born in Scotland of an Irish family that had settled there, John Duns received his early education in Dumfries.Joining the Franciscans, he was ordained on St Patrick’s Day, 1291 in Northampton (England). He continued his studies in Paris and Oxford, lectured in Cambridge in 1301 and taught at the Sorbonne, Paris the following year where he became known as Scotus because of his country of origin. The fame of his genius and learning spread rapidly. 

In 1306 in Paris, he championed Mary’s Immaculate Conception, refuting all objections against this prerogative, though it was not until 1854 that the dogma was solemnly defined. The Church’s approval of his Christocentric teaching (the primacy of Christ) was given by the institution of the feast of Christ the King in 1925. In 1307 Scotus moved to a teaching post in Cologne and soon afterwards he died there. Known as the Subtle and Marian Doctor, his immemorial cult was confirmed in 1993 by John Paul II.

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