Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Wisdom of St. Pio of Pietrelcina

Do good everywhere, so that everyone can say: "This is a son of Christ."

Endure tribulation, sickness and pain for the love of God and for the conversion of poor sinners. Defend the weak, console those who weep.

Life is nothing but a continual struggle against one's self, and it does not open to beauty without the price of suffering.

Always keep Jesus company in Gethsemane and He will know how to comfort you in the hours of anguish that will come.

There is one thing I absolutely cannot stand and it is this: if I have to rebuke someone, I am always ready; but I cannot bear to see someone else do it. To see someone humiliated or mortified like this is unbearable for me.

May God be pleased to see that these poor creatures truly repent and return to Him. One must truly be a mother towards all those people and, for this reason, have great care for them, because Jesus tells us that there is more festivity in Heaven for the sinner who repents than for the perseverance of 99 just people. These words of the Redeemer are truly comforting to many souls who unfortunately sin, and who then want to repent and return to Jesus.

The woes of humanity: these are thoughts for everyone.
Don't try, excessively, to heal your heart, as your efforts would only make it more infirm. Don't make too great an effort to overcome your temptations, as this violence would only make them stronger. Despise them and don't dwell on them too much.

Don't worry about taking up my time, because the time best spent is that spent in the sanctification of souls, and I don't know how to thank our Heavenly Father when He presents me some souls that I can help in some way.

Never has the thought of revenge crossed my mind. I have prayed for them (the slanderers) and I pray. Perhaps sometimes I have said to the Lord: "Lord if to convert them a punishment is necessary, then give it so that they may be saved."

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